Date: 2022-09-15
Links between sports & entrepreneurship are manifold, yet seldom recognized and rarely capitalized upon. The two are rarely found together in VET as effectively connected domains with synergic links.
Despite dual-career being recognised as a formal policy domain of interest by many international organisations and public authorities, data collected by the ENDURANCE partnership – a transnational network of organisation co-financed by the E+ programme of the European Commission – confirm that the topic has still difficulties in gaining momentum and widespread validation at practice level.
Mainstream literature and media have plenty of “success stories” to display (i.e., former Olympians became successful entrepreneurs in a later stage of their life), but this abundancy of role models and case studies in not yet complemented by an adequate amount of training and education resources aimed at reigniting the off-of-the-field motivation of former athletes in pursuing the entrepreneurial path.
The wealth of knowledge consolidated by partners during this specific cycle of implementation was instrumental to inform outline, structure and content of the ENDURANCE training curricula. Learning outcomes are designed to sustain the acquisition form learners and targets of key essentials of entrepreneurial leaning and business management.
Although the pedagogical validation of the ENDURANCE training curricula reached already nearly 750 targets (University students, fresh graduates, entrepreneurs-to-be, professionals and trainers, representatives of the entrepreneurship support network representatives, etc.), the support even further the scalability and long-term multiplier effect of the project, partners are responsible of compiling two different manuals (i.e., Guidelines for Uptake, and ENDURANCE Green Paper) posed to provide for key recommendations, takeaways, good practices, and case scenario to which readers can rely on to replicate ENDURANCE-like initiatives withing their ecosystem of practice.
Based on the results of ENDURANCE piloting cycle, partners will consolidate results of test & validation in the document that analyses and consolidates feedbacks from all target groups and develops precise guidelines for future training. The guidelines provide details about operational and organizational aspects as well as to teaching and learning dynamics.
The document will provide guidelines for trainers, recommendations on the structure of the workshops, hints on how to combine the offline and online content, guidelines on the use of the OER platform in blended learning environments, guidelines on the EQF categorisation of the ENDURANCE.
The ENDURANCE experience tackled as well many different areas of interest for public policy making in the fields of education and training, employability, inclusion. As such, the project provides for interesting insights and evidences that outline the lessons learned at implementation on the dynamics of sport and entrepreneurship.
The Green paper will also put forward elements for debate with the whole ecosystem of sport and entrepreneurship (represented by organisations, providers, support system as well as civil society and policy makers). The ENDURANCE Green Paper will present a range of ideas on the linkages between sport and entrepreneurship and related commonalities, inviting interested stakeholders (both individuals or organizations) to provide their views and information.
The purpose is to inform decision makers but most importantly practitioners of the three “worlds” of entrepreneurship, education & training and sport that the operational linkages are not to be underestimated, besides should be valorised and leveraged to advance both entrepreneurship education and sport.
To know more about the project please feel free to consult:
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