Keywords Project Management; Management; Project; Collaboration; Communication Objectives/Goals After familiarising with this training module, learners will be able to: Defining Project Management Starting from the beginning: A definition of Project Management (PM)Click to read
![]() In the context of the first unit, we wish to introduce learners to the “concept” of PM starting from its definition and by highlighting the founding elements of a project. According to the APM, Association for Project Management , Project Management is the application of processes, methods, skills, knowledge and experience to achieve specific project objectives. Project Management is a mentality that strives for EFFICACY and EFFECTIVENESS: seeking for a business idea, setting up a business, launching a marketing campaign, target and identify groups of interest for your brand, can be all considered as stand-alone projects…as scheduling a work-out session. That is why a Project Management’s approached should be applying transversally to all typical entrepreneurial functions. We mentioned the fact that there are some relevant differences between Project Management and Management of other traditional business functions such as communication, HR, audit, etc. This are resumed by the table below:
In compliance with the same definition from APA, Projects have final deliverables that are constrained to a finite timescale and budget. However, as we mentioned already, most of common business tasks can be addressed relying on a “project management approach” as they can be interpreted as sub projects’ on their own. On their hand, project managers deal with a vast series of activities and responsibilities, that greatly empower their skills, competences and expertise. Project managers are in charge of project’ s implementation of course, but also communication, HR and finance, their role is very chameleon as their interface with a large number of interests – coming both from within and outside the organisation. In small business, this role is typically played by the entrepreneurs him/herself. Defining pillars of Project ManagementClick to read
![]() We include: - TIME
The relation between the three is highly interrelated: any potential change – in quality and in quantity – impacting one the three will inevitably affect all of the others, for the better or for the worst. When time, results and resources are all aligned to a coherent design, project managers / entrepreneurs are able to delivers results that are: - in compliance to internal schedule
- in compliance to performance’s parameters
- in compliance to allocated budget and financial resources
- in compliance to quality standards and satisfactory for targets
- in compliance to sustainability and impacts standards
- (+ empowering and motivating)
Project’s lifecycle The Project IdeaClick to read
![]() This specific stage of a project’s lifecycle pertains to the identification of specific needs / opportunities that might be addressed through a tailor-made project. Project managers (and entrepreneurs) take this moment to reflect on: what they plan to achieved through the implementation of projects, and the focus of interest in terms of desired results and expected outcomes.
This typically begins with two specific tasks:
An in-depth mapping of “groups of interests” that might be impacted or might have an impact on the project. In other words, project managers identify the targets of the project based on their potential influence and/or interest on the project. In literature and in practice, there are countless ways in which this activity can be performed. In the context of this training material, we recommend readers and users to rely on the POWER / INTEREST matrix (Johnson and Scholes; 1999). Potential Stakeholders and groups of interest of relevence for the development of the project are clustered into a 2x2 matrix based on: the level of impact that the project can have on them and the interest they might have in its implementation; the level of influence they can have on its development.
STKH at high impact and high interest are KEY PLAYERS → to manage closely STKH at low impact and high interest are MAVENS → to leverage on STKH at high impact and low interest are PASSIVE PASSENGERS → to keep satisfied STKH low impact and low interest are DISTANT COUSINS → to monitor
The SoW is a very detailed document listing all defining elements of the project in its content and structure, and before its official launch. This document is intended to be the so defined project proposal: entrepreneurs and project managers rely on it to pinpoint on paper the very essential of the project, and eventually to present the project idea to investors. The typical elements disclosed by the SoW are:
The planning stage: resources and operational requirementsClick to read
![]() This is really about qualifying and quantifying all resources (financial, technological and human) that are needed to allow for a smooth implementation of the project. In this stage, project managers invest great time and efforts in:
All of the above, and specific technicalities, will be resumed by the Project Management Plan, the formal document providing for specific guidelines on who does what, due when. Project managers follows a Work Packages breakdown approach:
Keep in mind that outputs lead typically to:
Consider that Work Packages and following Tasks should conclude within a given time period. These periods should be considered based on the overall workload required for the implementation and development of that given WP/Task. The greater the workload, the greater the amount of resources needed to comply with the activities – HUMAN CAPITAL, TIME, FINANCES. Executing and monitoring the quality of the projectClick to read
![]() Before moving into the actual launch of activities, it is essential for project managers to:
While implementing project’s tasks that are aimed to the roll-out of actual results, project managers conduct a strict monitoring and evaluation process which sustains Quality Assurance-related priorities. Qualitative and quantitative KPIs as included in the Project Management Plan are benchmarked with the with the outputs concretely achieved. Any mismatch is promptly tackled with corrective measures so as to realign team’s performance to the desired standards.
The evaluation process can assume two forms:
Milestones represent major achievement of your project – typically, the formal conclusion/finalisation of a WP. There can be (and should there be) more than one milestone in a project, use this moment to take a break so as to:
Transversal activities: what is common to all projectsClick to read
![]() COMMUNICATION With the Communication Work Package, we typically refer communication activities supporting collaboration dynamics – within and external to project’s team or the organisation:
PROJECT MANAGEMENT With the Project Management Work Package, we typically refer to activities that are instrumental to assure for a smooth project’s implementation – both in quality and in time:
Tips for financial management In financial management, you reach EFFECTIVESS – finalisation of results in compliance to budget constraints – when you manage to combine ECONOMY and EFFICIENCY:
→ Right inputs at the lowest cost
→ Right outputs at the lowest efforts Bringing the project to conclusionClick to read
![]() One of the things distinguishing a project from a “process” is the fact that the first one has a clear and well-specified END and START date, compared to general business processes which instead are continuous over time. Once all activities are finalised and all expected results and finally accomplished, it is extremely relevant for the project team to go back to the implementation cycle seeking for relevant best practices that helped the team in overcoming challenges, upgrade their skills and competences. This internal exercise will turn extremely useful for future projects and initiatives even not necessarily related, by scale and scope, to the one just concluded. Team members should experience the validation and valorisation of their individual efforts and contributions, which in turn boost their morale, confidence and self-reliability. On the other hand, “human mistakes” should be dealt as an opportunity for capacity building, empowerment and upskilling. Extra content: avoiding traps Poor planning and/or implementation of horizontal WPs leads to very poor results. Regardless of the context:
Project Management should always be compliant with few but fundamental rules:
To know more about Project Management, please consider consulting online resources made available by:
Project management is the application of processes, methods, skills, knowledge and experience to achieve specific project objectives.
Formal document drafted during completion of project’s ideas that outlines the planned activities and expected results. The document discloses background and needs / opportunities addressed by the project, budgets and resources absorbed by implementation tasks, project’s team, impact and monitoring means.
Formal document drafted immediately before project’s launch. The PMP refines activities included in the SoW and provides for clear guidance on how task should be implemented, by who, due when.
Any organisation, institution and/or physical person that is impacted by or can have an impact on project’s development and success
Also known as Key Performance Indicator, a KPI is a control variable to which managers rely on to benchmark current VS planned results (i.e., numbers of STKH reached by communication activities during the first four months of implementation).
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